THORChain is undergoing a hard-fork of all of its networks to upgrade to Cosmos v0.45, which will have some breaking changes for front-end interfaces.

**Reach out to Eridanus for support

Estimated Timeline

Testnet: Monday Afternoon PST - March 14th, 2022

Stagenet: Tuesday night PST - March 15th, 2022

Chaosnet: No sooner than March 21st, 2022

<aside> 💡 Project Leads: Please fill in the following matrix as you progress: ** If your project isn’t listed, please add yourself.*


1. New REST endpoints

**NOTE: these endpoints will actually be removed in Cosmos SDK 0.46.x, but it is still recommended to migrate to them now.

Cosmos v0.40 and later introduced new grpc-REST endpoints and marked the legacy endpoints as deprecated. In v0.46 the legacy endpoints will be removed and the new endpoints will have to be used. The new endpoints are already live since THORChain is on Cosmos SDK v0.42, so these can be migrated to now.

This guide goes over all legacy endpoints and their new counterparts in cosmos v0.40 and later:

Important endpoints for THORChain integrations: